
2021 High Achieving GATE Students

Test Champs – WA (previously known as Scholastic Excellence) is pleased to announce the fantastic achievement of our students in the 2021 GATE test. The time and effort put in by our hardworking students and teachers have paid off, with a good handful of our students successfully gaining entry into Perth Modern School and other great partially selective schools/programs and private scholarships in Perth.










Starting this year, 307 has been our lucky number. Being our highest score for the GATE 2021 examination, we’re hoping to get our next lucky number soon with GATE 2022 Examination approaching students.

The following is a list of some of our high-achieving GATE students, with a few others choosing to remain anonymous. We would like to congratulate all students on their well-deserved success!

NameSchoolHigh School
Adriel BehRanford PSPerth Modern School
Akshayan MukunthanCaladenia PSPerth Modern School
Caleb ChanRostrata PSPerth Modern School
Auroni RahmanRostrata PSPerth Modern School
Chuqi ZhangCaladenia PSPerth Modern School
Diobett BangayanSt MuchinPerth Modern School
Diya SanjayMount Claremont PSPerth Modern School
Emmeline FongOberthur PSPerth Modern School
Jason DongCaladenia PSPerth Modern School
Jennifer ChenOberthur PSPerth Modern School
Kritish SaimathananCampbell PSPerth Modern School
Kylie ZhangChurchlands PSPerth Modern School
Loong XuCanning Vale PSPerth Modern School
Mathoosan MurugavelCampbell PSPerth Modern School
Muxi NiAtwell PSPerth Modern School
Nishaan SunnerASCPerth Modern School
Rafael TanRanford PSPerth Modern School
Taksheel KadriChurchlands PSPerth Modern School
Thomas HeWinthrop PSPerth Modern School
Ali Al NaserBurrendah PSRossmoyne Senior High School
Arthana JanarthanBateman PSRossmoyne Senior High School
Ethan ShimRegent CollegeRossmoyne Senior High School
Jeremy WonRanford PSRossmoyne Senior High School
Laura LiemBullcreek PSRossmoyne Senior High School
Nadya SilitongaOberthur PSRossmoyne Senior High School
Sai HemadribhotiaCampbell PSRossmoyne Senior High School
Yenuk WeerasingheRiverton PSRossmoyne Senior High School
Dheeraj KandyRanford PSWilletton Senior High School
Kelvin TianWilson PSWilletton Senior High School
Alex YangRanford PSJohn Curtin of the Arts
Sonia TingRossmoyne PSJohn Curtin of the Arts
Lewin MathewCampbell PSHarrisdale Senior High School
Sophia YuRossmoyne PSApplecross Senior High School
Anah ZamanLangford Islamic CollegeLeeming Senior High School
Hannah WangRanford PSMellville Senior High School
Andrew LimRanford PSAquinas College
Zarif HagueLeda PSComet Bay College
Test Champs - WA (previously known as Scholastic Excellence)
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